Friday, September 01, 2006

...a tale on merdeka eve...

najwa came up to me wit a bonus question
mega sale sampai bila hah?
n i carelessly reply (i was getting meself comfy 4 eos 5 briefing),
1st week of sept
wait...dat's tis wikN!
mega sale is almost over n i haven't bought anything yet for myself
dalilah, seriously????
dan tanduk dan ekor serta serampang 3 mata najwa pon kuarla menunjukkan diri
calling forth da shopaholic n jln2holic inside of me
plans were made n we agree to go to midval rite after class.
got meself a new lipgloss
everyone add-on the innerwear collection
yg klakarnyer mase nk byr,
g la kat tis 2 guy cashier
then he said "adik, byr kat cashier sane la"
(sambil menunjuk kat cashier yg satu lg, pempuan)
we were like huh????malu ker?
remind me of tis questionnaire yg i did in frenster
...wat type of cashier do you pick when u buy underwear?...
n i respond wit, ape kaitan underwear n cashier?byr je la...
even akak cashier tu pon pelik
hik hik hik
pusing2 kat midval, sedar2 seme kedai dh tutup
since tis is hopefully da last time
kitaorg celebrate merdeka kat tanah air tercinta nih
kitaorg pon igt nk g tgk firework
i love firework!!!!!
pk2, pilihla putrajaya sbb x ramai org sgt n mostly family so cam best skit
we headed to the dataran in front of the mosque
igtkn kat situ la firework nyer
parkingla kat presint 2 pastu jln all da way across da bridge
skali dh sampai sane tgk2 firework psg kat presint 2
adeihhhh...silap bajet tol
so tgk dr jauh jer.neva mind la, i had a gr8 time!!!
penat n still excited from da firework
kitaorg jln blk ke presint 2
smpai kat tgh tuh ade tis ferry boat lalu kat bwh bridge tuh
pu3 pon gatal2 mulut dare me to wave at the people on da boat
aiii, jgn cabar dalilah, nnt i buat betul kan
n true enuf, i pon wave la
n guess wat?
those people on da boat wave blk at us
kan pu3 dh kena blanje ct
kui kui kui
time kasih pu3 bawak g tgk firework
n blanje roti telur n air durian belanda special
kat mamak dekat ngn umah zek

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